Peace of Mind
Achieve peace of mind from advanced planning options with Home of Peace Memorial Park. Most of us plan for the possible, the potential misfortunes of life that seldom happen. Yet, few of us prepare for the inevitable. This information can change how you view the future and help gain the same peace of mind that many others have found by planning ahead of time. “For more information please contact us by clicking on this link and one of our advanced planning counselors will be glad to assist you in fulfilling your requests”
The advantages of planning ahead:
• Remove the emotional burden so family members won’t have to wonder,
“Did we do the right thing?”
• Allows you to have control of your own celebration to ensure it truly
reflects who you are.
• Organizes family data so your family doesn’t worry about locating vital
information and can spend time supporting each other when the time
• Serves as an extension of your careful estate planning; reflecting your
intended legacy including your will and memorial contributions.
• Shows your sense of responsibility for family, by reducing possible
disagreements between family members who would be forced to make decisions about your funeral service, in a state of shock and grief.
Funding your funeral ahead of time makes good sense.
• Any money set aside for your final expenses is better than the alternative.
• Sets aside funds to help remove the unexpected financial burden on your
family to pay your final expenses.
• Helps eliminate the need for your family to determine who is responsible for, or capable of, paying for your services.
The average cost of a funeral today is between $7,000 – $10,500 dollars and continues to rise in the future. The advantages of Advanced Planning are especially true for those who must live on a fixed income; any additional costs can be detrimental to their conservative lifestyle.
There are various payment methods available to fund your funeral plan. And, this is an important issue to discuss with your funeral planning professional. You will have the peace of mind that your funeral will not be a financial burden on others.
We will gladly review the many funeral service options available and other important details, with you at your convenience.
Our goal with advanced planning is to help you gain the peace of mind that it’s all been taken care of.